A Doula provides physical, emotional and educational support for mothers throughout pregnancy, labor and delivery. Although I also provide pre-partum and post-partum care on top of that!

No! Doulas are especially beneficial in hospitals and birthing centers! Studies have shown that having a doula reduces the chances of emergency C-sections and other medical interventions, as well as reduces labor and pushing time.

Yes! As a doula and a certified herbalist, I am equipped and have lots of natural ways to try and help ease the pain of labor and delivery!

As your doula, I will follow you to the hospital, see you through the rest of your labor, and deliver! My care will not change! 

Yes! In fact, doulas are extremely helpful once you have gotten an epidural! Epidurals oftentimes make women feel like they need just to lie down and can’t move and that can slow down your labor, so having a doula who is trained in positioning a woman with an epidural is very beneficial and can still reduce the chances of C-section!

If you end up having a C-Section I will still support you how you choose! For everyone, it may look a little different and that is something we go over in your prenatal appointments! But if you want me by your side I will be there with you! If you want me to be there when you come out of the C-Section, I will be there! It all depends on the circumstances and what you are wanting and are comfortable with!